Covid-19核酸檢驗自費預約(Registration for COVID-19 Testing)

【注意事項】Please note:
 If you want to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please contact the emergency service desk 05-2756000 (extension 2020)
  1. 服務時間:星期一~六 8:30~09:30(星期六及國定假日僅受理急件)  最後報到時間9:30
    Service time: Monday~Saturday 8:30AM~10:30AM (Only urgent items are accepted on Saturdays and national holidays) Last check-in time 9:30AM
  2. 檢驗費用:(急診掛號費270元另計)
    Testing fee (Not including 270 NTD Emergency Department registration fee):
    Standard report: 2000 NTD
    急 件:4500元
    Expedited report: 4500 NTD
     僅收現金,不提供刷卡服務。 Payment in cash only 
  3. 本項服務提供一份中英文檢驗報告,報告領取時間如下:
    Test report will be in Chinese and English, prepared by:
    Standard report: 14:00 in the afternoon of the next day(Except for overtime inspection)
    急 件:採檢當日18:00(逾時採檢者除外)。
    Expedited report: 18:00 PM that day(Except for overtime inspection)
  4. 欲開立『適航證明』,請取得核酸檢測陰性證明後,星期一至五下午至6樓健康管理中心掛【旅遊醫學門診】,最後掛號時間16:00。
    After testing negative, a "Certificate of Airworthiness" can be obtained Monday to Friday afternoons from the Health Management Center on the 6th floor. Registration closes at 4PM.
  5. 攜帶文件:
    Necessary documents:
    Idenfification card (household registration or ARC). If you have a national health insurance card, please present it.
    Air travel: e-ticket, proof of ticket purchase, or reservation.
 選擇日期並點選預約進入預約!!Choose an available date for your appointment:
 [Please enter your ID or ARC number (for example: A123456789) and click the button below to search]